Non-Qualified Interchange

Non-qualifiedinterchange is when a transaction fails to meet the standard Mastercard rate of 2.65% interchange or is on spend in a category not covered by your spend agreement.  This is largely dependent on what card is being used for what purpose, and is able to work with you to convert as many of these transactions to Qualified as possible by communicating with us in order to set up your cards and spending correctly!

In the event the gross interchange rate settles lower than Mastercard’s Standard Interchange for any given transaction, will provide Cardholder cash back rewards minus the difference between Mastercard’s Standard Interchange and what the transaction settles at (unless stated otherwise at's discretion)

Not all cardholders will experience or see this. Ad networks like to pay the least amount possible in merchant processing fees.  Their optimizations can result in non-qualified interchange rates which may vary by account, day, merchant, volume and a myriad of other factors. While our rewards program is based on standard interchange rates, occasionally networks interchange settles at non-qualified rates.