Sage 100 Vendor Export Instructions
Creating the Vendor List:
1. Select Vendor Maintenance from the Accounts Payable Main Module
2. Click the Magnifying glass next to vendor number (lookup)
3. Click on the Custom button to start the Lookup Customization Wizard
4. “Create new view” with a description of VendorList, click Next
5. Click on the << button to remove all items except VendorNumber from the “Selected Columns” list.
6. Select the following from the available field one at a time and click the > button to add it to the list.
• *VendorNumber
• Division
• Name
• AddressLine1
• AddressLine2 • City
• State
• ZipCode
• PhoneNumber
• LastPaymentDate
• PaymentsYTD
• PaymentsPYR
7. Click on Finish
8. Change the view to the newly created VendorList view
9. Click on the Export to Excel Icon (next to print on the bottom right hand side of the window)
o Click on the File Menu, then Save As
o Click on the Desktop Icon on the left hand side of the window to save the document to the desktop
o Type in the File Name = Your Company Name Vendor List (for example Company ABC Vendor List)
o Click Save, then close Excel.
If no Export to Excel Icon, click on the printer icon.
o In the Lookup Vendor List window, click on printer setup. o For the output Type, choose export file, OK.
o In Export File Options, click on the folder next to the File Name,
o Click on the Desktop Icon to set the save location to the desktop
o Type in the File Name= Your Company Name Vendor List (for example Company ABC Vendor List)
o Click on Save
o Click OK on the Export File Options window
o Click OK on the Printer Setup window
o Click Print on the Lookup Vendor List window Attach this report (should be located on your desktop) to a new email:
Send to: Subject: Your Company Name (for example Company ABC)