Quickbooks Vendor Export Instructions

  1. On Home screen, click “Reports”

  2. Choose “Vendors and Payables” then “Vendor Contact List”

  3. Click “Modify/Customize Report”

  4. Check the following fields in the dropdown menu and press “OK"

If your QB version is prior to 2012, check the following :

  • Vendor
  • Phone
  • Alt Phone
  • Street 1
  • Street 2
  • City
  • State
  • Zip

OR      If your QB version is 2012 or later, check the following:

  • Vendor
  • Phone
  • Alt Phone
  • Bill form Street 1
  • Bill form Street 2
  • Bill form City
  • Bill form State
  • Bill form Zip

  1. Click Excel button and select Create New Worksheet.

  2. Save to Desktop and name your file [Your Company Name] Vendor List.

Creating the Expense Report 

  1.  On Home screen, click Reports
  2. Choose “Vendors & Payables”, Scroll down to “1099 Summary”
  3. In the 1099 Summary screen, under Dates, choose “Custom” and “Date Range”. Then enter the date range to include the previous year. (For example, if today is April 11, 2012 – the date range would be from April 12, 2011 to April 11, 2012).