Allowed Countries - NET1 Product
Below is the list of countries where transactions are permitted. This means you are free to initiate and process payments with merchants located in these authorized regions.
- CYP: Cyprus
- USA: United States
- IRL: Ireland
- GBR: United Kingdom
- CAN: Canada
- CZE: Czech Republic
- SGP: Singapore
- AUS: Australia
- DEU: Germany
- FRA: France
- ESP: Spain
- NLD: Netherlands
- BEL: Belgium
- CHE: Switzerland
- AUT: Austria
- PRT: Portugal
- SWE: Sweden
- NOR: Norway
- DNK: Denmark
- FIN: Finland
- LUX: Luxembourg
- VNM: Vietnam
- BRA: Brazil
If you need to conduct transactions in regions not listed above, please contact to discuss potential eligibility and explore available options.