Ad Pay Protection - Data Points List

Here is the list of data points utilized for Ad Pay Protection:

Data Point


_id Unique identifier for the record
userAgent User agent string of the browser
language Language setting of the browser
platform Platform/OS the browser is running on
screenWidth Width of the screen in pixels
screenHeight Height of the screen in pixels
colorDepth Color depth of the screen
pixelDepth Pixel depth of the screen
timezoneOffset Timezone offset from UTC in minutes
sessionStorage Whether session storage is enabled
localStorage Whether local storage is enabled
cookiesEnabled Whether cookies are enabled
doNotTrack Whether Do Not Track is enabled
currentUrl Current URL of the page
previousUrl Previous URL the user came from
touchSupport Whether touch support is available
hardwareConcurrency Number of logical processors available
siteIdentifier Identifier for the site
timestamp Timestamp of the event
event Type of event recorded
client_ip IP address of the client
referer Referrer URL
vidis_processed Whether the data has been processed
created_at Timestamp when the record was created
source Source of the traffic
medium Medium of the traffic
campaign Campaign associated with the traffic
channel Channel associated with the traffic